Those Military Guys - In the fall of 2006, a 19-year-old college football player died the day after a vigorous workout, the result, medical researchers said, of complications from a genetic mutation common in those from Africa, India and the Mediterranean. Unknown to Dale Lloyd and his parents, Lloyd carries a copy of the sickle cell gene, which gives him sickle cell characteristics.

After Lloyd's death, his parents sued the school, which led to a new NCAA rule requiring all student-athletes at Division I and II schools to be tested for the trait. sickle cell or sign a waiver. . The fear is that the intense exercise regime of college sports may increase the risk of death among athletes with sickle cell syndrome.

Those Military Guys

Those Military Guys

Now a Stanford-led study of nearly 50,000 active duty soldiers in the US Army suggests that soldiers with sickle cell trait do not have a higher risk of death -- as long as they follow safety precautions, including gradual increase in exercise and a lot. of water and plenty of rest. .

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, located in the Stanford Military Data Repository, which includes all digitally recorded medical records, physical performance records and deaths of active duty US soldiers. I spoke about the project with lead author Lianne Kurina, PhD, an assistant professor of medicine at Stanford, who told me:

The most important thing that comes out of this study is a really reassuring report that under the conditions of global precautions against dehydration and overheating, we do not see a high level of mortality risk in those who have a sickle cell trait. Military personnel are members. state forces. Their duties, salaries and responsibilities vary according to their branch of the military (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Air Force, and Coast Guard), rank (chief, non-commissioned officer or enlisted personnel), and the military service wh. applied to gym work.

Those who serve in a large land or land force are soldiers, pretend to be soldiers. Those who serve in the Navy are sailors or sailors, and their branches are the Navy or the Coast Guard. The Navy or Navy serves on land and at sea, their branch is the Navy. In the 20th century, the development of operational aircraft stimulated the development of the air force, in which the aircraft served. Members of the United States Armed Forces are supervisors.

Elected officers of the military are officers. These include authorized users, licensed users and non-users. For the Navy, non-commissioned officers are called petty officers.

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The military can be recruited (recruited by law) or recruited by attracting civilians to join the armed forces. Many workers at the beginning of their military careers are adults. For example, in 2013 the average age of a US soldier starting basic training was 20.7 years.

Most of the workers are men. The number of female workers varies from country to country; for example, it is about 3% in India.

Many state forces recruit women and restrict them to close combat roles (jobs that require them to kill at close range).

Those Military Guys

For example, when the United States stopped conscription in 1973, "the military pulled my African American, I'm from a low economic background, I was in a non-high school program, and my high school grades will be lower".

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However, the 2020 study suggests that the socioeconomic status of US military personnel is at the same level or higher than that of the civilian population and that socioeconomic groups without problems cannot meet the requirements of the military modern United States.

As an indicator of the social background of the British military, in 2015 three quarters of its young people had the level of literacy expected of a child of 11 years or younger, and 7% had 5-7 grade. .

Military personnel must be prepared to perform tasks that in ordinary life would be unusual or not. In particular, they must be able to harm and kill other people, and avoid mortal danger without escape. This is achieved in the initial training, a series of physical and mental stimulation that makes the recruits adapt to the unique nature of the military requirements.

As an expert in military training methods, Lt. Col. According to Dave Grossman, early training uses four conditioning techniques: simulation, classical conditioning, task conditioning and brutality.

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In the context of continuous physical and mental pressure, trainees often develop a bond of stability, which is often experienced as emotional confirmation. It is called "our influence", and it helps to engage employees in their army.

During their initial training, recruits are repeatedly asked to stand, walk, and respond to commands in a ritual known as the leg drill, which trains recruits to obey the law without time or question. According to Finnish military regulations,

To ensure that the recruits kill if ordered to do so, they are taught to make their opponents look like "emy targets" to "kill", to "fall".

Those Military Guys

They are also taught the basic skills of their job, such as battle tactics, first aid, handling what they do in the field, and using weapons and other equipment. The training is designed to test and improve the health of those returning to work, although the large amount of work on the body also causes a number of injuries.

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Return service contracts, which can vary by rank, branch of the military, and whether the employee is full-time or part-time.

Full-time military employment usually requires a minimum period of service of several years; between two and six years is the type of military in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States, for example, according to the service, branch and grade.

The exception to this rule is the short release window, which leaves after the first few weeks of training and closes a few months later, which allows employees to leave the army as it is justified.

Part-time military service, known as reserve service, allows the recruit to maintain a civilian job while undergoing military training for a minimum number of days per year for financial compensation. Recruiters may be called upon to outsource to fill full-time employees.

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After leaving the military, for a fixed period (between four and six years is common in the UK and US, for example

), ex-recruits can continue to pay to return to full-time military service to train or apply for work.

Military law introduces laws that civilian courts do not recognize, such as desertion without authorization (AWOL), desertion, political activity, misconduct, dishonorable conduct, and rebellion (see, e.g., martial law office in the Kingdom United).

Those Military Guys

Some important rights are also restricted or suspended, including freedom of association (eg organizing unions) and freedom of expression (talking to the media).

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Soldiers in some countries have the right to conscientious objection if they believe the law is immoral or illegal, or they cannot do it properly.

Employees can be deployed to bases at home or abroad, depending on the needs of the job, and can be sent from those bases for exercises or operations anywhere in the world. Location lgth is configured in deploymts. For example, in the United Kingdom, a soldier is expected to be deployed for less than six months out of every 30 months.

Benefits and benefits of military service include stimulating training, supportive housing, food and transportation, and psion. Some soldiers also provide educational assistance before, during and/or after military service; examples are the Royal Military College Saint-Jean in Canada, Welbeck Defce Sixth Form College in the United Kingdom, and the provisions of the GI Bill in the United States are often used Conditions for participation, including a minimum period of military employment.

When on duty, military personnel are often required to wear military uniforms, often displaying their name, rank and military branch.

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